
Jack was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is 21 years old and presently attending the Houston School for Jocks and Waiters. Jack is majoring in muscle building. Next year he will apply for his masters degree in interior decorating of garages and animal cages. We are honored to have Jack up at camp this year. Last week after going through his agent, TIMBERLIFE was finally granted an exclusive interview with Jack.

TIMBERLIFE: What is your purpose for being at camp this year?
JACK: I teach skiing and nature appreciation. I’m also keeping up with how the Brewers are doing.
TIMBERLIFE: What do you like best about camp this year?
JACK: Avoiding Matt Healy's discussions on molecular ionization of air particles, also watching Brewer games.
TIMBERLIFE: Being such a great authority on staff at camp, who would you pick as the best staff member of 1979?
JACK: Definitely Ed Fried and Mike ‘Rosie’ Rosenfeld for their exceptional ability in gong relocation. Running a close third is Brian Doner, he may not be popular but everyone knows who he is.
TIMBERLIFE: Jack, in view of your great sporting abilities, why didn’t you win the all-camp Tushball tournament?
JACK: I felt sorry for Martin Lunch, I mean, he has to win at something.
TIMBERLIFE: Do you have an early prediction for Camper of The Year?
JACK: Yes, I do. It’s probably going to be a close race between Nancy Hiken and Lonnie Rouben.
TIMBERLIFE: What do you think of all the girls at camp?
JACK: “Woof”
TIMBERLIFE: What do you think of our new cook, Sandy?
JACK: She’s definitely working for that bonus. Thank you Mr. Trades.