Cruiser Day Ideas
by Matt Healy

One of the most exciting things about camp is Cruiser Day. On one of the best ones, Jim Meyers’ cabin went down the Bride River last year. The trip, on inner tubes, took about 21/2 hours altogether. The only problem was that the river was about 150 miles away.

Another group went floating down the Wisconsin River on inner tubes. This activity is especially exciting because you are on the water floating very rapidly down it. The Wisconsin River offers the advantage of being closer to camp (about 20 miles away).

Another group went to Bod Falls and enjoyed looking at it, standing under it in the spray, and hiking around it.

However, the all-time favorite for the younger boys (according to Sharon Hiken) is a combination trip to Peck’s Wildlife and Crystal Lake. Peck’s biggest attraction lies in the fact that people, especially young kids, like small young animals.

Another good activity is nature hiking though the beautiful trails of the Wisconsin Highlands.

Also this year, some new foods have been tried. Sharon Hiken says that the favorite lunch this year is tacos, which Sharon calls “an experiment...which has been successful and very well received.” Another good idea is touring Von Stehl’s winery, which is not very far from here. There, visitors are taken on a tour by the owners, and they are shown the way wines are made and told the history of the winery.