by Bill Barenholtz

Every year 25-30 people sign up for scuba. Scuba is taught first, second, rest and third periods. The advanced class dives at a different lake every time. The instructors teach the beginning scuba class the fundamentals before they go on a dive.

How does the air get in the tanks? We use a compressor to pump air into them.

Who heads up the program? Bob Barenholtz and Greg Brenner are the top instructors. We have 8 tanks, 8 regulators, 8 buoyancy compensators and various other equipment.
There are several risks involved. A diver can get diseases including air embolism, which is the expansion of the lungs causing the lungs to pop like a balloon. Another disease is the bends which is nitrogen bubbles forming in the blood stream. There are several other diseases but not as harmful.

Scuba divers at Timberlane go to Crystal Lake, Trout Lake, Clear Lake, Blue Lake, Star Lake, Sparkling Lake and to Pallette on overnights.

Scuba stands for Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.

The beginners took their first dive after two weeks of both skin diving and theory and practical training in scuba diving.