by Jeff Echt & Brian Lifsec

Camp Timberlane has always been known for it’s excellent waterski program, and the fine ski shows put on by the Timberbat Waterski Team. The Timberbats consist of both campers and staff putting together a waterski show. This year’s bats have put on shows at places such as the Arbor Vitae Motel and Troelich’s Lodge.

The president of the bats this year is Brad Herrold. Assisting him, as vice president is Steve Maholias. The acts in the show include; slalom skiing, shoe ski, saucer barefooting, canoe paddle, 3 & 5 man pyramids, and a clown act. Putting them together creates a wonderful show for everyone to enjoy.

Becoming a Timberbat is not easy. To become one, you must first pass a screening and then be worked into an act. When you make the team, you are then eligible to receive a Timberbat jacket. To receive a jacket, you must be voted on by the ski staff as to whether or not you’ve worked hard and contributed to the Timberbats.

The Timberbats are a great asset to Camp Timberlane, as it helps to build teamwork, as well as responsibility.