Top Barbecuer Sizzles

Burgers and dogs see their way into campers mouths every Wednesday and Sunday nights at Camp Timberlane cookouts. While many people help in the preparations, Vance Liebman, the Assistant Director, often heads up the operation. Timberlife talked with Vance at a recent cookout.
“It’s very hard and it’s almost impossible to head a cookout!” he joked.”I like to cookout because I like to sing songs”
It is suspected that Vance gave strange answers in order to get rid of Timberlife’s reporter.
Does Vance like to cook hamburgers?
“Yes, he answered, “I like to cook hamburgers because I like to see them cooked right and I’m the only one who can do it right.”
Others helping on the cookout are Todd Chapman, Joey Shneider, Mike Blechman, Barry Schulman, Steve Silver and Bob Gassel.